Vanessa was a very good host. Everything was correct.
Something to provide a suggestion the sheets. And add a detail of the use of the devices (stove, electric oven), would be like a memory aid. In case you need them. The arrangement of the cute environment is exquisitely beautiful, warm. Neat distribution of everything.
A space with everything you need to be at home
The mattress was soft, but it's a matter of taste
The friendliness of the weather vane and the view!
The whole department.
Very friendly hostess
Room types available for booking at YOPEN Monoambiente:
There are 1 room in YOPEN Monoambiente
Check-in at YOPEN Monoambiente starts at From 15:00 to 18:00, check-out before From 10:00 to 11:00
At YOPEN Monoambiente the staff speaks Spanish.
The cost of living in YOPEN Monoambiente depends on the conditions of the trip: dates of the trip, how many guests and what type of room. Choose dates, to see prices and availability.
For example, the minimum cost of living in the YOPEN Monoambiente is about $34 per night. Average nightly rate in September was $60.