All World Airports

Looking for airport information? You are in the right place. Search and find airports all around the world. A complete list of airports with detailed information about each of them. Find IATA airport codes, ICAO codes or FAA codes and also get a list of airports in each country.

Airports by Country

Get a list of all airports by country. Choose a country and get a list of airports along with an airport map, coordinates, IATA code and other detailed information.

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Airports by IATA Codes

Find airports by their IATA code, or look up the IATA code of any airport. The IATA code is a three-letter code assigned to airports by the International Air Transport Association.

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Airports by ICAO Codes

Find airports by their ICAO code, or look up the ICAO code of any airport. The ICAO code is a four-letter code assigned to airports by the International Civil Aviation Organization.

Click here for more ICAO codes for airports »

Airports by FAA Codes

Find airports by their FAA code, or look up the FAA code of airport. The FAA code is a three-letter or four-letter code assigned to United States airports by the Federal Aviation Administration.

Click here for more FAA codes for airports »

Airports by Name

Find airports by their name, or look up the name of airport.

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